Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Gas Diesel Petrol -- On the Rise

The latest increase in the price of petrol has been the steepest so far. While it is a fact that the price of Oil is on the decline in the World market, $ is on the increase against the Indian Rupee.  So, whatever gain there is in the declining Oil price is offset by the increase in the rate of $.  It is also a mystery that when $ is on the decline against most of the World currencies, it is increasing only against the Indian Rupee. Economy apart, Chanakyan does not think that the government should subsidize the Gas, Diesel or Petrol.  But, that does not mean the increase is justified or inevitable.  The exorbitant tax on Petrol and Diesel is a source of revenue, which no Government would want us to know.  The rate of petrol is Rs.76.60/- out of which nearly half goes towards TAX.  It is legitimate for any Government to levy tax on any product being sold in the Country.  I am not arguing that the government  should abolish tax on Petrol altogether.  At the same time, the tax on Petrol should not be exploited by the government to cover its incompetence.

A person using a product or a service should pay for it, no doubt it.  However, it should also be seen that no person is paying more that the cost of the product or the service.  The concept of cross-subsidy is skewed in India.  The subsidy for Diesel is going waste when we have so many Sedans and High-end Cars running on  Diesel.  In the case of Gas also, I have no objection to the subsidy component completely eliminated for Gas or Diesel but it should be ensured that the Tax component should also be reduced drastically.  Of course, the government may find it difficult to balance the budget, but if it cannot manage, it can mean only one thing:  It lacks competence.

So, what are we supposed to do?

I see a brighter side to this hike.  It is high-time all of us take to the Bi-cycle.  It is really a pity that a country which is number one in manufacture and export of Cycles could not convince its citizens to use one.  

  • Increases your fitness
  • Reduces the risk of heart-attacks and Blood Pressure
  • In major cities, you will really end up reaching faster than on Cars
  • Reduces the pollution
  • You will have more money in your pocket to spend
  • You can call yourself "Eco-friendly"
  • When you go Green, other guys will go green with envy man
  • Its the most romantic vehicle to go with your  Girl-friend
I can hear someone yelling there: Where is the road for Cyclists?  
My answer:  Where is the path to walk in Ranganathan Street?  But, you get your way when you move on, right?

In the same way, once the number of Cyclists increase in the cities, eventually they will get a path of their own.  Moreover, we can also write to the civic authorities and the State Government to consider a dedicated Cycle path.  Only where there is a demand, the Government will come forward to consider it.

Remember, for a healthy and wealthy future, Cycle & Re-Cycle.

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