Saturday, June 2, 2012

Abetting Suicide

Techie gets 10 years RI for abetting wife's suicide. The Tiimes of India, Chennai, 02nd June 2012, Page 3.

A man marries a woman, against his wishes and on the compulsion of his parents, lives with the woman for three days, but refuses to have any conjugal relations with her, confesses he has an affair with another woman, finally ends up in Jail when the woman commits suicide.

According to the newspaper, the letters written by the woman shows the mental torture she had undergone. The woman's father reportedly revealed that his daughter told him that her husband said he would be happy if she is dead the day before she committed suicide. Can it be the truth?

Let us suppose the following case: A man commits suicide, leaves behind a note saying his wife was having an affair with another man, refused to lead a normal family life with her husband, so he was forced to commit suicide. Will it be construed as abetting suicide by the wife?

First and foremost, the parents who got the man married to the woman against his wishes are the real culprits. Who will take them to task?

If refusal to perform the role of a husband is abetting suicide, who are to be held responsible and accountable for the suicides of thousands of poor farmers?

In the same page, there is another news “Man gets divorce for harassment by wife”. If such a person commits suicide, will the wife be held accountable? The husband in this case was put behind bars for 22 days on a false complaint given by the wife. Still she wanted to restore her conjugal rights. Why people are behaving like this?

A few days back, another news in the front page of TOI. Reasons for divorce: Wife cooking Mutton in Cooker instead of open pot. Husband refused to buy floral design water bottle for the child and insisted on using empty Coke bottle. These are just the tip of the ice-berg. Even at the cost of inviting the wrath of female-liberators, I would like to stress one point: The more the number of women are employed, the more the number of divorces. I am not saying that women should not be employed, but this feeling of self-sufficiency is the driving force behind most of the divorces. You may ask whether the wife has to endure all the torture of a husband and lead a silent life. I am not advocating the torture or even negligent attitude towards the family and wife by the husbands either.

Life is like a journey, where your spouse alone is going to be your partner till your destination, save a few years here and there. Once married, always married, to the same person. Its inseparable and irrevocable. Thats why our ancestors attached so much importance to the institution of marriage and it is considered the most sacred occasion in one's life. If problems arise between husband and wife, as normally would in any family, the elders are there to sort them out. Problems will be there everywhere. There will be problems in your office. When you decide to quit? Only when you have an opening elsewhere. In other words, the reverse is also true, that when you have an opening elsewhere, you can afford to create or invite problems in your current place. If you have problem with your neighbor, what will you do? If it is your own house, you try to get used to the problems. If such adjustments can happen with your neighbor, why not with your partner? The Divorce is the easy way out, not for the brave-hearted.

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